Big Bluestem Rapid Responders visited Kansas Senators' offices on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017.
Susan Sullivan-Etzel made this sign to take to
Sen. Roberts' office in Topeka but was not
allowed inside the building.
So she took her sign to the world!
She made a FB video of her sign and herself
outside the Senator's office.
Here is a link to the live-stream Susan Sullivan-Etzel made outside Sen. Roberts' office & posted to Facebook! |
Other responders visited Sen. Moran's offices in Manhattan. Here Mary Honeyman, Council Grove, and Ron Young, eastern Geary County, show documents they will present to Moran (for copies of the documents, see below).
Jan. 31, 2017
Bluestem Rapid Response Network
(a growing group of Kansans from 7 zip codes)
Sen. Jerry Moran
Kansas Offices
Dear Senator Moran:
When we visited your office
last week, we represented a group of 26 Kansans. Now we are a group of 38.
The events of the past few
days make it even more imperative that you VOTE NO ON JEFF SESSIONS. NBC reported that Sessions had a hand in
crafting the executive order that is plunging our Republic into a Constitutional
crisis. Five courts have already found
against the order. The Acting Attorney
General stated it should not be defended because it was of questionable
legality (obviously it is, if courts are finding against it). So Trump fires the Acting Attorney General,
just for pointing out the obvious.
Instead, he wants Sessions to
be AG.
What could possibly go wrong
if you give Trump the man who will tell him just what he wants to hear, the
Constitution be damned?
We the people need integrity,
not prejudiced political hatchet men, in the Department of Justice. Surely you and most Republicans agree?
But what is Congress made of,
silly putty? Obviously, Trump has no desire for your input.
Have some backbone, Sen.
Moran. Withhold consent on any Senate
action until this disastrous executive order is rescinded. Refuse to vote on any bill until the order
is rescinded.
Above all, vote NO on Jeff Sessions.
Last week, we asked you to be
a role model for Kansans by standing up against racist bullying. We pointed out, as Coretta Scott King
testified in 1986, that “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome powers of his office
[as a federal attorney] in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly
black voters.” Your No vote would tell
Kansans that racist bullying is unacceptable;
it would show that Kansans of common sense and common decency stand up
against it.
The day after we visited you,
there was an incident in Council Grove. A European-American student vandalized an
African-American student’s car and targeted that student with a racist slur (photo included with this letter).
USD 417 Superintendent Doug
Conwell immediately issued an excellent statement condemning the action (entire
statement included with this letter).
He cited the national atmosphere as a contributing factor. He
said, “Unfortunately we (including our children) have, over the past 12 to 18
months, witnessed all too many incidents of racism and bigotry in our country
and our politics. This type of behavior
is learned, it is not innate.”
He then went on to say something that we hope you, as
a prominent Kansas leader, will hear: “It will take all of us to actively stand
against this behavior.”
We hope you, Sen. Moran, will
hear the appeal of this Kansas school superintendent to help educate our Kansas
children. Model rejection of racist
bullying, not indifference to it!!!
But if you reward and elevate
a man notorious for indifference to the targets of bullying, whether blacks,
LGBTQ folks, abused women, or immigrants, you will make Superintendent
Conwell’s job and that of educators around our state that much harder. As Supt. Conwell says, “Standing up for what
is right is a hard lesson for our children to learn.”
Apparently, it is a hard
lesson for adults to put into practice as well. But that is what we are asking you to
Be a role model!! Don’t treat racist bullying as something
minor, peripheral, not worth mentioning. Vote NO on Jeff Sessions.
Our group is growing because
we need our Kansas Senators to stand up for the Constitution, for decency and
common sense. We need our Kansas
Senators to stand up against bias, illegality, prejudice, bigotry, corruption,
racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and cruelty.
Please let us know whether or
not this is something you can do.
Sincerely yours,
Margy Stewart, Coordinator
11003 Lower McDowell Rd.
Junction City, KS 66441
Response from Mr.
by Doug Conwell (Superintendent, USD 417)
"It is rare that I use Facebook, or in general any other social
media, to address student issues. I am making this exception in the hope
that every word is not dissected and analyzed as critics are want to do at times.
USD 417, which includes all staff and administrators, find the racist, bigoted
comments made by one of our students towards another of our students to be
abhorrent. This behavior does not represent, by any means, who we are nor
who the VAST majority of our students are. We have wonderful, caring, and
positive students in our schools. Do not let the action of one or a
couple students define who we are or what we believe.
Further, do not assume that because we choose not to air these incidents in public
that nothing is being done in regards to this, or any other, situation.
We do not discuss student behavior or discipline with others.
Period. We are acutely aware of our BOE policies and behavior plans and
we act accordingly. We will continue to investigate this situation in a
broader context for the benefit of our students. We will educate our
students in regards to racism and bigotry in the hopes that all of our students
understand values that we hope we all share. Every child deserves
On the bigger topic of
racism and bigotry, I wish I could say that this has been eliminated from our
society's behavior. Unfortunately we (including our children) have, over
the past 12 to 18 months, witnessed all too many incidents of racism and bigotry
in our country and our politics. This type of behavior is learned, it is
not innate. It will take all of us to actively stand against this
behavior whenever we witness it. Standing up for what is right is a hard lesson for our children
to learn. That is why I was so proud to see the posts made by some of our
students on the Facebook string that has been shared with me.
To end, USD 417 will address this behavior whenever we are aware of instances
that have occurred and we can corroborate. We will discipline in a way
that educates and metes appropriate consequences. And we will love,
respect, and fortify those children who experience racism and bigotry in our
schools. I truly believe this is not the norm but then I do not walk in
the shoes of these children. -dc"